Monthly Updates
2025 Budget:
We praise God that we were able to meet all our costs in 2024 - even as we expanded the reach of our work. We visited eight countries in Asia in 2024, presented four conference-style trainings, hosted a two month summer internship, and worked with individuals throughout the year.
We have now set our budget for 2025 with new goals. We are trusting God to raise an additional $7000 to cover those goals, adjust for inflation, and replace those monies given by those who have now gone to be with the Lord. Please pray for new partners to join us in this work - and for the increases necessary to enable those goals.
Forty Days of Prayer:
When God called us to serve in Asia in 1997, He laid a specific unreached people group on our hearts. We have been praying and advocating for them ever since; during the years we were in the US our church adopted them and produced a "40 Days of Prayer" devotional guide. When we returned to Asia in 2018, we hoped to be more involved with the efforts to work with this group. We have not been able to do that - in no small part, because of the changes locally during and after COVID.
God gave us a vision for offering an updated version of the "40 Days of Prayer" to individuals and churches to use during the 40 days of Lent (starting March 5, 2025). We would love to see a network of people taking up the mantle of praying and advocacy for this people group. Would you please consider inviting others (maybe even your church) to go through the "40 Days of Prayer" with you during Lent? If you are interested in doing this, please reply to this newsletter and let us know. We'll arrange to send you a physical copy or a guide to download and print.
Opportunities For You to Consider:
+Visit Us! Experience Asia, see our ministries up-close, and explore the needs and opportunities in Asia.
+Take Part in Innov-Asia. Check out the Innov-Asia summer program or sponsor someone else to attend. Short Innov-Asia programs can also be arranged for your Church's "Global Impact" team!
+Recommend Someone to Serve in Member Care. This might include serving as a sender from your home, or coming to Asia. Global workers value the spiritual and emotional support provided through our Member Care networks.
+Serve as a Teacher. Schools in multiple countries are ready to receive native English-speakers either to teach English or to teach in English. This is a great way to make a difference with the skills that you already have.
For any of these opportunities, contact us, ask us questions, begin to catch a vision for Engaging the Adventure in a new way!
Our part of Asia is a fascinating mix of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Secularism flourishing in traditional and modern cultures. Over a billion people in Asia live where the Church is not visible.
Our work depends on people like you who pray, encourage, give, and enlarge the Church's vision for those it doesn't see. Each month we share updates with insights and observations: we would love for you to join us in Engaging the Adventure. Click the Link and subscribe to our Updates.